Signature allows you to use your Magic Track Pad, Wacom Tablet, and built in multitouch Track Pad to sign, seal and deliver important documents and emails.
Signature is controlled from your Status Bar. Click on the icon and you are ready to sign away.
Finally an app that allows users to sign documents on the go. Simply use the smart frame to sign and create signature there. Save your Signature or simply post it to your clip board and use it daily to eliminate a huge paper trail.
Signature has many features....
+ Easy to place a signature on many platforms/documents
+ Environment friendly app leaving no paper trail
+ No scanner needed
+ Sign in black or color
+ Resize your signature
+ Easy to use by everyone
+ No Dock icon
+ Clean up your signature graphically
+ Transparent background
+ not just signatures, notes, doodles/sketches are possible
Signature is another example of how iLifeTouch makes your life easier one day at a time.
Press Shift + Escape to come out of the canvas.